

The Champion Incubation Center assists start-ups and small companies by offering business and technical support from university experts and industry consultants. It also leases office space upon request. The Center encourages university professors to work on joint research projects funded by government agencies and large industrial sponsors. Research findings are then further modified toward practical solutions and delivered as commercial products. The scope of research includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Multimedia, information technologies and software applications
  2. Chinese E-commerce and internet information services
  3. Cultural and creative industries
  4. Biotechnology and environmental technology
  5. Marketing strategy analysis and management consultation

Tamkang University began to enroll visually impaired students in 1969. For over four decades, TKU has dedicated itself to the development of a friendly learning environment for the visually impaired. The staff members at the Center of Resources for the Blind have successfully developed adaptive computer systems, established the "Barrier-Free World Wide Web system" (the Chinese-based e-library for the visually impaired), and produced textbooks, journals, and magazines in Braille.

The Center's objectives include:

  1. Providing academic, vocational, emotional, and life assistance to students with disabilities
  2. Developing and promoting a comprehensive information system for the blind
  3. Establishing the Assistive Device Center for college students with visual impairments
  4. Providing other related services

Established in 1998, the Wind Engineering Research Center at Tamkang University (WERC) is the leading wind engineering research institute in Taiwan. The goal of WERC is to pursue academic excellence and provide solutions to engineering problems. Its research team covers a wide range of areas in the field of wind engineering, such as tall building aerodynamics, cable supported bridges, large span roof structures, mitigation of wind-induced vibration, indoor and urban ventilation, wind tunnel testing, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation, full scale monitoring, information technology applications, and wind code developing.

Over the past decade, the center has conducted numerous integrated research projects for government agencies, such as the National Science Council (NSC) and the Architecture and Building Research Institute (ABRI), and held international conferences, workshops, and seminars. In terms of engineering, aside from conducting a great number of wind tunnel tests for pedestrian comfort evaluation and design wind load, the center has also developed a user-friendly system that conforms to current Taiwanese wind code practice. This wind code system has been made available for free public use, and has received positive feedback from industry experts. The long term objective of the center is to become a world renowned wind engineering research institute and a first-class solution provider for the local wind engineering community.

The Research Development Center of Construction Law (RDCCL) was established in August 2010. The center offers consulting services based on demand from industry, government, and academia. The services rendered by RDCCL include:

  1. Construction and legal-based consulting services
  2. Construction technology evaluation services
  3. Construction and legal education training and promotion
  4. Handling of forensic examination for court-appointed engineering dispute affairs
Established in 2011, the Intelligent Automation and Robotics Center is an interdisciplinary research center that employs specialists from the TKU departments of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science and Information Engineering. The goals of the center are to undertake projects in accordance with the national development strategy for intelligent automation, to integrate resources efficiently to conduct research and development in automation and robotics, and to enhance Taiwan's international competitiveness in the automation and robotics industry. The center's major tasks include: conducting research and development in the field of intelligent automation and robotics, carrying out personnel training, strengthening ties between Tamkang and related industries, promoting academic exchange and cooperation at home and abroad, and providing consulting services for the design and development of industrial automation and robotics. Research efforts involve combining the domain knowledge of mechatronics, robotics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensing and perception, machine learning, machine vision, human machine interfaces, embedded systems, information control and other knowledge to design new technologies in the area of automation and robotics. The center's vision is to partake in long-term collaboration with the National Science Council (NSC), the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and related industry partners to commercialize newly discovered technologies and to produce robots that will prove useful in the real world. The center intends to promote these new technologies in new markets, thereby creating a vehicle for Taiwan's future economic growth.
With the emerging information and communication technologies applied to transportation and logistics, Transportation and Logistics Research Center was established in 2014 to undertake projects in accordance with the development strategy for intelligent transportation and logistics systems worldwide, to integrate resources efficiently to conduct international or domestic research and development among government, universities and industries. The center's major tasks include: conducting research and development projects in the field of intelligent transportation and logistics systems, carrying out educational training, strengthening linkages among government, Tamkang and related industries, promoting academic exchange and cooperation at home and abroad, and providing consulting services the industrial cooperation. Research efforts involve combining the domain knowledge of transportation, logistics, internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, big data and other domain know-how to provide useful tools for existing and future transportation and logistics systems. The center's vision is to partake in long-term collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC), the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOE) and related industrial partners to commercialize newly deployed technologies in the field of transportation and logistics.

Haruki Murakami is a contemporary famous writer of Japan known globally. He has been a Nobel Prize candidate repeatedly to the present. Although he has not received the award yet, he is a writer representing Japan. The members of this project, who belong to the Department of Japanese at Tamkang University, have established the "Haruki Murakami research laboratory" since 2011 and contributed to promoting the Haruki Murakami research in Taiwan by organizing three Haruki Murakami international symposiums. Although our laboratory's history has not reached three years yet, the outcomes of our academic activities have been highly recognized and evaluated among various academic circles. Encouraged by the past academic achievement and well-received evaluations, we propose a three-year project based on a careful analysis of Taiwan's advantages and disadvantages and thorough planning of effective growth strategies to reduce the school's weakness. By steadily accomplishing each year's objectives, the project aims to produce notable results in Haruki Murakami research, and ultimately plans to invite Haruki Murakami himself to Taiwan. In doing so, we would like to promote Haruki Murakami research as one of the distinctive educational and research characteristics of Taiwan, which will raise our country's international recognition further.

The Center's objectives include:

  1. Improvement of academic and facilities sides of Haruki Murakami Studies
  2. Advertising and marketing of Haruki Murakami Studies
  3. Promotion of international academic interchange of Haruki Murakami Studies
  4. Holding and development of Haruki Murakami international symposia
The Information Center for Water Environment (ICWE) was founded to promote research, create effective applications, integrate information systems, and strengthen academic work related to the field of water resources and environment. Through the combination of academic studies and practical research in cooperation with public and private business, the Center has sought to make tangible, positive contributions to society. The implementation and integration of information technology, accomplished through the efforts of the Center, allows considerable strengthening of related fields, as well. In order to meet the market demand for professional talent, the mission of the Center is to engage in teaching and practical and research training for undergraduate and graduate students to improve the quality of professionals. The Center for Water Environment (ICWE) maintains the spirit of innovation, information integration, forecasting, and the further development of new research values through closer integration of research teams.
Taiwan is an island surrounded by water. It has immediate access to abundant ocean-related and environmental resources, including water, biological, energy, fishery, mineral, transportation, and national defense resources, as well as underwater cultural heritage. The Center was established in 2016, and its current major research themes includes sonar systems and underwater search, underwater noise measurement, underwater cultural heritage survey, deep ocean resource applications. The ongoing projects include acoustic wave propagation and scattering in coastal and littoral areas, underwater cultural heritage survey for offshore wind farms, feasibility assessment for underwater museum establishments, and the key issues for deep ocean water development.

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No.151, Yingzhuan Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251301, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Last Updated : 2/21/2025