
Laws Regulations

Types No. Laws / Regulations Amended Date Pdf
Student Affairs 6-02 TKU Regulations on Student Rewards and Sanctions 2022-12-06 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-03 TKU Regulations for Student Counseling and Rewards and Punishments 2008-06-18 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-05 Regulations for Administering the TKU Mountain Climbing Association’s Excursions 2011-08-02 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-06 TKU Regulations on the Organization of Student Clubs 2012-06-19 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-07 TKU Regulations on the Supervision of the Student Association 2014-11-26 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-11 TKU Regulations on the Establishment of Department, Graduate Institute, and College Associations 2011-08-02 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-12 TKU Regulations for Managing the Posters and Banners of Association Activities 2014-06-16 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-13 Tamkang University Regulations for Grants to Graduate Students and Excellent Senior Students 2015-11-11 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-16 TKU Regulations for Safety Guidance of Off-campus Student Activities 2011-06-20 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-20 TKU Implementation Guidelines on the Cancellation of Student Demerits 2011-11-21 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-21 Implementation Management Guidelines on Group Insurance for TKU Students 2019-06-11 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-23 TKU Regulations Regarding Leave for Students 2014-11-05 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-26 TKU Guidelines for Implementing Professional Competence Service-learning Curriculum 2013-05-20 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-27 TKU Guidelines for Implementing Campus and Community Service-learning Curriculum 2001-06-10 .PDF
Student Affairs 6-29 TKU Guidelines for Implementing Awards for Service-learning Students 2011-05-17 .PDF

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Last Updated : 3/4/2025